Going All In

Photo by Lina Kivaka on Pexels.com

The truth is I was scared. I wasn’t scared to fail; honestly, that has been something I have grown accustomed to. In fact, quite the opposite. I was afraid to get out of that pattern of not being good enough and unwilling to do everything it took.

A Fair Shot

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

I have been fighting myself for a long time about trying to get a job and making this happen for me. For the longest time, I have wanted this to work. But, in the beginning…

The Rise of Atlantis

Photo by Petar Avramoski on Pexels.com

Something inside me knew that I wasn’t a teacher but enjoyed teaching the kids because they made me smile. In so many of my past lives, I’ve entertained audiences. In another, I was treated like royalty even though I technically wasn’t. So why would I deny this now?

Love and Mother Wounds

Photo by Daria Obymaha on Pexels.com

Forgiveness has been one of the most challenging tasks I have ever had to do. Not because of the task itself but because of the layers I had to dig through to discover that I wasn’t willing to embrace the whole aspect of what happened.

The Recurring Fear

Photo by Israelzin Oliveira on Pexels.com

The sign was recurring dreams. Dreams reflect our subconscious, and I have always looked over this because my dreams are so crazy I don’t think I’ve ever had two of the same dreams. However…

Embracing the Divine Feminine Flow

Photo by Diovana Papen on Pexels.com

Like many women nowadays, I have struggled to fully embrace my feminine flow for a while. The feminine energy is creative, loving, nurturing, and receptive. But on the other hand, the masculine energy we are taught to embody is action-taking, logical, and goal-oriented.