Embracing the Divine Feminine Flow

happy black woman near waterfall
Photo by Diovana Papen on Pexels.com

Like many women nowadays, I have struggled to fully embrace my feminine flow for a while. The feminine energy is creative, loving, nurturing, and receptive. But on the other hand, the masculine energy we are taught to embody is action-taking, logical, and goal-oriented.

When we start to embrace this feminine energy, sometimes the old habits we have grown accustomed to are tough to break. One thing my guides have been doing every time I don’t stop to embrace the feminine flow when they tell me is make me sick.
Honestly, they know this is the only way I’ll stop working. Otherwise, I tend to keep going even without thinking clearly. Unclear thoughts can signify that what you’re trying to do is not aligned with your highest self; even knowing this, sometimes I push forward.

building up to burnout

Building Up to Burnout

Last week I was working and working so hard. I had deadlines I put forth for myself and wanted to meet them. I became stressed and could feel myself being pulled into my habitual masculine energy. In the past, I have been a workaholic and repeatedly exhausted myself from burnout.

Last week I made sure to give myself smaller goals. Do a little bit here, or do a little bit there but never start and finish large tasks within one day. With so many projects I am working on, a large task would consume my thoughts until it was complete.
“Rest,” my guides would tell me. “Okay,” I would respond, “let me just finish this one thing.” Another day I would again hear, “rest.” I would reply, “I’m almost done,” then continue my work. I’m not sure how much time passed until I was completely finished. When I am wrapped up in something I want to do, I lose track of time. It could have been 5 minutes, but it also could have been 45.


Then one day, they stopped me in my tracks. They made sure I had to listen to them. Finally, I had no choice but to rest. This divine feminine energy knows it doesn’t have to do anything to receive everything it desires. Sometimes the only way to get me to stop working is by making me sick.

And when I say this, I don’t mean the kind of sick like a cold where you’re sneezing and can’t breathe. I mean the type of sickness that knocks you off your feet, especially when you’re not expecting it. So, I got food poisoning.

You have the opportunity to break generational karmic cycles now!

Resisting My Flow

On the first day, I kept trying to work; I felt I had so much I needed to finish. Still, days 2 and 3 were dedicated to me resting and allowing myself to heal in the time my body needed. Today, day 4, I feel much better, although still very weak. My stomach isn’t handling many foods well, but finally, at 6:30 in the evening, I gained the energy to write this for you.

I meditated this morning and asked my guides what I needed to do today. Instead of showing me rest or sleep, they showed me writing. Initially, I thought this meant that I could write all day, but that wasn’t the case. I swept the floors earlier and exhausted myself, my energy still not where it used to be. I took a nap, then when I woke up, it felt like a little man was kicking the insides of my stomach.

Coming to Peace

It started raining. We lost power, regained it, and then took some gross medicine. Still, although my guides are telling me to take it easy. This makes sense because I am still healing, and when I am done with my thoughts on this, I’ll go eat something and perhaps nap or watch a movie.

Either way, I am committed to listening to my body. She has gotten me through everything in this lifetime, and I owe her respect instead of constantly trying to push her to the limit. And that’s what the feminine flow is all about, nurturing yourself, loving yourself, honoring yourself, and allowing yourself the time you need to complete tasks like healing. Even if someone else may do it faster, you do things at your own pace. You are different energy than someone else.

“The more you go with the flow of life and surrender the outcome to God [Source, the Creator, the Universe, etc.], and the less you seek constant clarity, the more you will find that fabulous things start to show up in your life.”

Mandy Hale

Want Personalized Advice?

If you’re stuck in a spiritual growth cycle that you can’t seem to break, or if you need some assistance moving forward, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’d be happy to write about whatever you’d need assistance with, and I’ll do my best to provide a knowledgeable and skill-based viewpoint on whatever your problem area is. This is just one way I provide assistance for you on your spiritual development path.

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By Kimberly Rochelle

Kimberly Rochelle is the founder and CEO of Positively Kimberly. She loves spreading positivity and joy wherever needed but is also here as a spiritual development guide for those who may need her. She has written and published several books, including Sunflower and Confessions of a Self-Declared Princess, and has made it her life's purpose to enhance the lives of those she encounters, no matter how brief.