The Rise of Atlantis

atlantis the palm during night sky
Photo by Petar Avramoski on

The Portal

I opened a portal yesterday. It seemed magical and almost cartoon-like, so I was eager to get inside to check it out. Then the second I stepped through, I turned to my right, waved, and said, “hello,” then was immediately swept up by a dragon named Chuck.

He had yellow snake-like eyes and beautiful white scales with a yellow mustache. It felt as if I was being reunited with an old friend. I laughed a lot and kept rubbing his head as we flew through the air.

I asked if we could go to the water because I have been getting drawn to water lately. He was excited to show it to me. We landed in a spot on a river that was calm as smooth sailing with a constant current pushing you toward your destination effortlessly.

I smiled and asked him if there was any place he wanted to take me. He mentioned he wanted to take me downstream, which I initially thought meant we’d be going further down the river, but that wasn’t right. So instead, we dove under the water’s surface where an underwater castle had been submerged.

“This is Atlantis,” the dragon told me. “Do you remember?”

Remember who you were at the time of Atlantis. Allow the memories wash over you like waves dancing on the ocean.


Admittedly I have felt a connection to Atlantis for a long time now. I just haven’t dug too much into it with other healing work I had been focusing on. But it didn’t matter. When the dragon told me and asked if I remembered, bits and pieces started flooding back to me.

I saw myself standing on a castle’s balcony, talking to someone I couldn’t see. I looked sad and angry as I turned away. Then I was in a room with a bunch of children. I was teaching them lessons on the divine, oneness, consciousness, and what we call spirituality today.

“You were the Queen,” Chuck said to me.

I shook my head, “no, I wasn’t,” I replied.

“If you weren’t, then who was?” he asked.

Something inside me knew that I wasn’t a teacher but enjoyed teaching the kids because they made me smile. In so many of my past lives, I’ve entertained audiences. In another, I was treated like royalty even though I technically wasn’t. So why would I deny this now? These thoughts raced through my head in an instant.

“There is a reason you never liked cleaning and why you say doing the dishes is peasant’s work,” Chuck said softly.
tap tap I heard the sound of a metal-like substance knocking against the marble floors, and I was suddenly back on the balcony again.

“You do not deserve the knowledge we have acquired,” I said sternly. “You do not respect it, you will misuse it,” I spoke as if I was being protective, angry, and brave, “you will not have it.”

Tap, tap, tap I banged my scepter on the ground below, and the city began to sink. I could sense some people running around on the ground below. However, my gaze stayed steady on the figure I was confronting outside my balcony. Whoever it was, saw that I was serious about hiding the secrets of humanity from them and went away.

I ran inside as swiftly as my feet would carry me, to a cradle where I scooped up a newborn, cried, and held her in my arms as I went down with my city.

It’s Time for Atlantis to Rise

“It is time for Atlantis to rise,” Chuck urged. tap, tap, tap, I heard.

I looked to my right hand, where I now held a scepter, heard the tap, tap, tap again, and knew exactly what to do. As I banged my scepter down, the floors below started rising again. They have been downed for many years, but it is time.

“It is time we raise the collective consciousness,” Chuck said.

“It is time we raise the collective consciousness,” I repeated.

Suddenly, many voices were uniting, saying, “It is time we raise the collective consciousness. It is time we raise the collective consciousness. It is time we raise the collective consciousness.”

I started speaking these words in my physical form as if I were in a completely coherent trance on a mission to do exactly what I had been doing.

“It is time we raise the collective consciousness. It is time we raise the collective consciousness. It is time we raise the collective consciousness.” My eyes opened.

It is time for Atlantis to rise again

It’s time.

“It is time we raise the collective consciousness,” I said again.

Lately, I have been thinking about a post that I saw the other day on social media. It said something like, doesn’t worry about trying to wake the sheep. We need to wake the lions. I interpreted this as “your energy could be wasted trying to help those who are only meant to follow instead of those who are meant to lead.”

I think this is what is wrong with the world today. Life is a life, whether in the physical form of a sheep, lion, or blade of grass. We don’t need to focus on one group. Instead, you can focus on the general public and trust that those who are meant to find the words of wisdom you put out will do so. You can raise the collective vibration and consciousness by not excluding any group of people.

In fact, unification is the only way, in my opinion, how this will work. After all, the collective isn’t just the lions, nor is it just the sheep. The collective contains every life in existence, not even necessarily in this world. So, excluding one group will do more harm than good in the long run.

So, how do you raise the collective consciousness?

Well, the answer is much simpler and more straightforward than many believe. You only have to worry about your and being your authentic self. Yep, that’s it. You don’t need to walk around with the weight of the world trying to raise the collective consciousness on your own. Everyone already expressing their authentic self will do their parts, and together, we shift the paradigm we used to know.

If you don’t agree with something, I say, good. Express yourself; it may resonate with someone I cannot reach. But, on the other hand, if you agree, perhaps take the information one step further and share the information you resonate with.
You don’t have to do this alone. We are a collective. You were never alone.

Atlantis is about uniting in  higher consciousness, we are beginning to achieve this now.

Uniting in Higher Consciousness

After writing that, I took a while for myself. I felt I was overworking myself on things, so I rested last night. Then while lying in bed, I told TJ about the meditation and dream I encountered yesterday. The last thing I said before I went to sleep was that I was being called to a spiritual path, and I didn’t know what that looked like, but I knew I was doing something right.

Then this morning, I woke up and instinctively went to Facebook, where I had more notifications than usual. About 10 from a friend promoting her next book and roughly 8 more from a group called Unify. I received many notifications from them, but I haven’t in a long time. So I clicked on one.

The first one I clicked on was for an upcoming event from a group called Uniting in Higher Consciousness. As someone channeling the words “it’s time to raise the collective consciousness” repeatedly yesterday, I knew this was a sign that I needed to be there. So I signed up right away. I didn’t even read what it was about before I put my information in. Then I was delighted to learn about the fantastic offers of just signing up.

I not only was committing myself to a 3-day workshop focused on energetic clearing, healing, raising, and amazing vibes, but I also got more freebies than I could have ever asked for.

Music to my Ears

The first freebie was exactly what I had wanted for the past few weeks but never asked for out loud. My frequency has been changing drastically, so I haven’t resonated much with many songs I used to listen to. I wanted to find more music, but I didn’t know how to find spiritual songs that weren’t also religious.

Don’t get me wrong, I love many religious songs because they’ve gotten me through so many dark times. But now that I don’t identify as religious and don’t feel I need to fit into that box. I wanted some that I could feel were about spirituality instead of a particular belief system’s God.

If you haven’t guessed it, I was gifted an entire album of soul-inspiring music called The Miracle by Rikka Zimmerman. When I listened to it, my soul was elated, and I wanted to release tears of joy and relief that my wants and needs had been heard, acknowledged, and taken care of.

Remember who you were the last time your soul felt free. You were there, in Atlantis, with all of us.

Soul Expression

The next freebie that I am particularly grateful for is actually rooted in gratitude. I learned about embodied movement or free dance a few years ago, and I am not sure why I haven’t done it in the past 9 months, but admittedly I haven’t.

If you’re unfamiliar with this type of dance, it simply moves however your body wants to go. You are free to go crazy, be silly, twirk, or do whatever you want. But what I found so incredibly special about this is that we set a beautiful intention of gratitude at the beginning and rooted in it at the end. During the entire time, Sofiah Thom guides you toward gratitude and feeling grateful for the moment you’re in right there.

But the dance isn’t the only freebie she gave. This is a concept she does every week in her Facebook group, which I also joined. I haven’t attended a live dance with her yet, but I definitely won’t miss it next time. The embodied movement dance is so much fun; it frees your soul through your body’s movements. If you haven’t tried it yet, please try it out!

Turning Dreams into a Reality

The third and final freebie I am going to give you is something that resonated with me so much that it was like a breath of fresh air. A beautiful, guided visualization meditation by Lisa Garr is called the Elevation of Consciousness. But it does more than simply elevate consciousness. It is a kickstart in overcoming negative self-beliefs, conquering self-judgments and criticism, and meeting with one of your oldest spirit guides.

The reason I am so happy about this meditation is not just about the outcome, which I loved. Instead, it is the tools she uses to get you from one place to the next. She uses tools that I already use, like the grounding chord and sun, which I feel amplified the results of the meditation because I already use their power daily.

Atlantis will rise again.

Charles Olson

Spiritual Guidance Services

If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent many hours trying to understand yourself and your place in the world. Card readings are some of my favorite ways to speak with your spirit guides and highest self which is why I offer a direct experience helping you connect with your higher self. If you have questions about your current life, past life or are just interested in learning more about your path book your appointment today.

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By Kimberly Rochelle

Kimberly Rochelle is the founder and CEO of Positively Kimberly. She loves spreading positivity and joy wherever needed but is also here as a spiritual development guide for those who may need her. She has written and published several books, including Sunflower and Confessions of a Self-Declared Princess, and has made it her life's purpose to enhance the lives of those she encounters, no matter how brief.