My Spiritual Development Techniques for Beginners

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I wasn’t an avid meditator when I started my spiritual development process. I didn’t exercise every day. Nor did I talk calmly. But we all start somewhere, right? Everyone’s spiritual healing journey is unique to the individual, so I published an article recently on different ways for beginners to practice spirituality. However, these are more the recommendations rather than the methods I took in my process.

I knew meditation was vital, so I tried to incorporate it as much as possible, but when I didn’t, I beat myself up. I wasn’t in a good place where I could talk about my spiritual beliefs openly. I didn’t surround myself with like-minded people. Because of those reasons, I went through a large portion of my growth alone. This is one reason I started these blogs, I didn’t want anyone else to feel as lost and alone as I thought when I was doing my best without support.

So, what did I focus on?


I worked nights at a hotel in a small town. I didn’t have many customers walking through the doors, so I would spend many nights writing. The first time I wrote in my journal, I decided to do an exercise called free writing. Free writing is when you don’t pick up the pen/pencil and just write down whatever thoughts come to mind. This I highly recommend if you don’t know where to start.


Although, at the time, I didn’t see myself as learning a lot because I hate(d) reading. When I found things that interested me, I would spend hours learning more and more about them. I learned about different religions, spiritual beliefs, the law of attraction, herbs, and aromatherapy. More importantly, I learned about myself.

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In many cases, people have accused me of being emotional, like being in touch with my emotions is bad. When I focused on my emotions, I learned how to identify them by being very specific about my wording. For example, I wouldn’t say I was angry when I was aggravated. Once the emotion was identified, I didn’t try to reverse it. I tried to understand it. If I felt I needed to, I allowed myself to express it. Soon after practicing for a while came when I would get angry and then notice when I wasn’t actually angry but couldn’t calm down.


When I was angry and didn’t want to be angry, I didn’t understand how sensitive I was to other people’s feelings. I didn’t understand at the time that I would soak up the energies around me, but I understood this wasn’t my energy, so I needed to get rid of it. One of the easiest ways to cleanse me was to use the grounding chord tool or guided meditation.


Suppose you cleanse energies but don’t protect yourself from allowing more foreign energies to come into your space. In that case, you’ll be cleansing yourself every day of energy that isn’t yours. You’ll be exhausted, and the core issues that have been bothering you won’t be addressed. Protection is vital when it comes to your energy, especially nowadays.

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The main 5 senses humans typically have are touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight. I spent a long time understanding each one and incorporating the things I liked into them. Even today, I sit at my computer and gently rub my fingertips together just hard enough to feel the ridges of my fingerprints. I notice the cold of the winter, the wetness of the rain, and the gentle refreshing gusts of wind.

Moreso, I notice the colors of the sky, trees, grass, and animals, and the sounds of birds as far and close as I can hear. I’ll listen for the water to boil before making a mouthwatering meal. When you start to take advantage of your senses, you’ll begin to feel alive again. This is often overlooked in the spiritual healing journey, but it should never be.


I was going through a time where I numbed myself, but I wanted to feel happy again, so I started focusing on things that made me happy. Whether it was a silly holiday that made me smile or cheering a neighborhood kid who just got the training wheels off their bike, I did my best to capture each moment. Now, keep in mind, that I didn’t take pictures of each of these things or selfies of me at the moment. I took a picture of the moments that made me smile or wrote about them in a dedicated journal for happy memories.


I took breaks frequently. I disconnected from journaling because I got into the habit of analyzing everything I would forget to live. I took breaks from social media for months because it felt stressful. I even went 3 years without a working cell phone. The only app I could use was a chakra meditation app I still use to this date.

Forging My Path

When I said there are no two paths alike, I don’t want you to feel like you’re doing it wrong. If you aren’t aligned with the generic items that people recommend you to do at the beginning of your dive into spirituality. I wasn’t. I read the same-ish suggestions and still found my own way. There is no way to be yourself that is wrong. Just do what comes naturally, and you’ll find yourself exactly where you’re meant to be.

Spirituality is a beautiful thing. But the spiritual healing journey can sometimes feel very lonely, which is why I am here. So if you’re going through an issue, a rough patch, or need guidance, please feel free to reach out to me. I do card readings, chakra activation, and balancing, but that isn’t all. I can even write an article just for your situation. I’ll be happy to assist in any way I can.

It hasn’t been a full 8 days yet, but this is a giant step for me. I am no longer going to hide behind my fears. Instead, I am letting you see me for who I truly am. The best part about it is I know I can’t get got. I am divinely protected in all aspects.

“For every spirit who is learning: you heal yourself.”

Thaiia Senquetta

Spiritual Guidance Services

If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent many hours trying to understand yourself and your place in the world. Card readings are a popular way to speak with your spirit guides which is why I offer a direct experience helping you connect with your higher self. If you have questions about your life direction or are just interested in learning more about your path book your appointment today.

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By Kimberly Rochelle

Kimberly Rochelle is the founder and CEO of Positively Kimberly. She loves spreading positivity and joy wherever needed but is also here as a spiritual development guide for those who may need her. She has written and published several books, including Sunflower and Confessions of a Self-Declared Princess, and has made it her life's purpose to enhance the lives of those she encounters, no matter how brief.