Oil Pulling Explained

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Oil pulling is a traditional ayurvedic treatment that has been used for centuries. In this practice, you swish or hold plant-based oils in the mouth for long periods to produce health benefits. The practice was initially discovered when people noticed that the oils from plants had a tendency to help improve oral health. The technique is often called oil pulling, but it can also be called oil mouth washing.

What is Oil Pulling?

While oil pulling, you swish, gargle, and hold oil in your mouth to clean it and prevent cavities and tooth decay. This ayurvedic remedy has been practiced for centuries and has become a widespread health practice in recent years. The first recorded use of oil pulling was in the Charaka Samhita, also known as Charaka’s text on Ayurveda, circa 100 CE. However, the practice was also used in other ancient cultures, including those of the Persians, Greeks, and Romans.

Benefits of Oil Pulling

When you practice oil pulling, it naturally will produce health benefits. This ancient folk remedy has been studied, and while not all claims are true, oil pulling does have its usefulness. 

oil pulling improves oral health

1. Kills Harmful Bacteria

The primary reason people choose to oil pull is to kill harmful bacteria in the mouth. Oil pulling regularly has been linked to improvements in oral health. 

It has also been shown to kill certain harmful bacteria in the mouth, including Streptococcus, Streptococcus mutans, and Lactobacillus species. Streptococcus is the leading cause of tooth decay, and oil pulling has been shown to reduce the number of Streptococcus in the mouth.

2. Cavity Prevention

One of the main reasons oil pulling has become widely popular is that it prevents tooth decay. Plaque and tartar are removed through the process of oil pulling. 

When plaque accumulates on the surface of tooth enamel, it hardens, becoming a rigid surface that is difficult to clean, causing decay and cavities. Over time, this may cause periodontal disease, putting the person at greater risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems.

3. Could Reduce Bad Breath

Oil pulling has been shown to reduce bad breath. When a plant-based oil is swished in the mouth, it creates a barrier that prevents the smell-causing bacteria from spreading throughout the mouth. This results in a fresher breath without the offensive odor.

Some people have also noticed that their bad breath has improved when oil pulling.

4. Reduction of Inflammation

Oil pulling has been shown to reduce inflammation throughout the body. This is beneficial for reducing inflammation in the body and could potentially help reduce pain and swelling in joints such as the knee.

Oil pulling has been shown to reduce inflammation, which is the primary cause of periodontal disease. “In the mouth, the oil pulls out toxins such as plaque and harmful bacteria, creating a barrier that prevents them from spreading throughout the body. This process stimulates the immune system,” says Nisha Maru, M.D., a family medicine resident at the University of Vermont Medical School.

women s white long sleeved top

5. Cheap and Easy

The cost is one of the best reasons to consider oil pulling as a routine part of your health regimen. Oil pulling is a cheap and easy way to improve overall body health.

6. Overall Health

Oil pulling is cheap and easy to improve overall body health. It has been shown to reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth, cavity prevention, and could reduce bad breath. 

Preliminary research has also shown that oil pulling could reduce inflammation in the body and could also be beneficial to people with chronic conditions. Because oil pulling is so easy and cheap to do, it is a great way to get the benefits of this ancient practice without a significant investment of time or money.

7. Other Benefits

Many people who have tried oil pulling have reported additional benefits, including improved mental clarity, digestion, energy levels, and physical health.

How to Oil Pull

  1. Measure one tablespoon of oil. The oil will expand in your mouth as the bacteria goes into it, so do not use too much. Traditionally sesame oil has been used. However, you can also use sunflower, coconut, or olive oil as an alternative. 
  2. Swish and gargle the oil in your mouth. Do this for 15-20 minutes. This time can seem hard to do if you are just starting. I suggest you start with 5 minutes and work your way up.
    If your jaw becomes sore quickly, loosen up, you’re swishing too hard. Also, remember the oil in your mouth is soaking up toxins and bacteria, so you mustn’t swallow it.
  3. Spit out the oil in a trash can. This is important because if you spit it in a sink, it can cause a buildup of oils which can cause drainage issues in the future.
  4. Rinse your mouth with water before eating or drinking anything. This ensures all the bacteria-filled oil is out of your mouth.

What I do:

I practice oil pulling first thing in the morning. While I am swishing, I rinse my face with water. Next, I do my dry brushing to exfoliate my body. Then I give myself an oil massage to pass the time. Finally, when time is up, I spit the oil out, brush my teeth, and then rise with an ayurvedic mouthwash I made.

Read more about my ayurvedic morning routine here.

Frequency of Oil Pulling

I dedicate the time needed for oil pulling as a way to spend some quality me-time loving my body every day. However, you don’t need to do it as often if you can’t find an extra 15-20 minutes in your daily morning routine.

Doing it at all will have a significant effect on your overall health. You can do it a few times a week, or you can do oil pulling every day. 

The Bottom Line

Oil pulling is a growing practice today that is rooted in ancient ayurvedic techniques. Routine oil pulling as a practice has improved humans’ oral and overall health for centuries. 

Oil pulling is a simple, effective, and cost-efficient way to boost your overall health. Oil pulling is a must-try for anyone to see dramatic benefits with little effort.

“Oil pulling is one of the most remarkable methods of detoxification and healing I have ever experienced… It helped me overcome a chronic skin problem that [I was previously] unable to cure.”

Dr. Bruce Fife

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By Kimberly Rochelle

Kimberly Rochelle is the founder and CEO of Positively Kimberly. She loves spreading positivity and joy wherever needed but is also here as a spiritual development guide for those who may need her. She has written and published several books, including Sunflower and Confessions of a Self-Declared Princess, and has made it her life's purpose to enhance the lives of those she encounters, no matter how brief.