4 Ways to Have Fun

woman surrounded by sunflowers
Photo by Andre Furtado on Pexels.com

Creating your happiness is essential for a prosperous life, but having fun is the key to making it. Yep, cultivating fun is the easiest way to live a happy and successful lifestyle. It is so important for you to have fun as much as you can in your life because this leads directly to lifelong joy.

Being happy and having fun are two of the most important things. When we are happy and have fun, we can better learn and grow. Perhaps the most significant thing about having fun is that it is impossible to be bored. Sometimes, though, we feel like being fun is a waste of time.

I think it’s essential to have fun. It’s vital to live a happy life. When you are having fun, you don’t worry about what may happen. You don’t think about the mistakes, what they look like, or what other people think of you. You completely engulf yourself at the moment and enjoy where you are.

“When you are joyful, when you say yes to life and have fun and project positivity all around you, you become a sun in the center of every constellation, and people want to be near you.”

Shannon L. Alder

It is crucial to make the most of our time and have fun. I learned to have fun by going on extremely long road trips with my family. We were given a choice, spend the next 12-18 hours miserable. Or sit back and enjoy the ride.

We listened to music and sang our hearts out. We drew and made silly comics. We played games like iSpy or the alphabet game. We saw who could hold their breath the longest. And we danced terribly but with a lot of excitement. We did anything we wanted to do. But most importantly, we had fun. These were some of the best times of my life.

Here are some tips on incorporating fun into your daily life.

Laugh often

They say laughter is the best medicine. It has reduced stress and pain, improved immunity, and even lengthened life. The simple act of laughing can positively affect your life; besides boosting your mood, it is a gateway action. It leads to more fun.

You can even include laughing in your daily routine without people around. You don’t need to rely on anyone else to get the laughter your body and soul want. Like many aspects of life, this laughing is a practice, and the more you laugh, the better you are at it.

Laughing is such a powerful tool to cultivate joy and increase overall happiness. When we laugh, our bodies release endorphins, the chemicals that make us feel happy.

Enjoy the Little Things

There are so many things that you can enjoy throughout the day as long as you make the mindful decision to do so. For example, instead of chugging your first cup of coffee in the morning, focus on the cup of joe. How does it smell? Are you excited to drink it? How does it taste? Take your time, and drink it with intent.

Little moments can be found throughout every day, but you have to be present to enjoy them. Moments can sometimes seem small, but they have the power to bring joy and happiness to our lives. When we are present, we can better focus on what is important and succeed in our goals. Our moments with family and friends can bring us great joy, and we shouldn’t take them for granted.

Embracing Your Flow

Although sometimes you can have a lot of fun doing something planned, not everything has to be. Sometimes the best memories come from embracing your flow and allowing life to take you to whatever opportunities arise.

The other day I went to my mother-in-law’s house. While there, a big windstorm hit and we lost power for a few hours. We all sat outside and talked while watching the lightning in the distance. Eventually, it led me to lay on the roof with my husband looking for stars behind the clouds and singing songs together.

Get out of Your Comfort Zone

Your comfort zone is there to keep you safe, and many times when you are in this zone nothing exciting can happen to you. Make it a point to try something new, maybe you’ll like it, maybe you won’t but you will never know until you try.

The point is during these new experiences, even if you don’t like to just remember the previous tips. Enjoy the little things, laugh, and see where this new experience takes you.

“Even though you’re growing up, you should never stop having fun.”

Nina Dobrev

Many times when we get older, we forget how to have fun. We become so serious and focused on our responsibilities we forget the easiest thing to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. For many, this can lead to people spending their time doing more productive things, such as working or studying.

However, when was the last time you studied or worked with a smile on your face? Fun can be had in your everyday life, and taking life so seriously is not the best way to enjoy your life.

Instead of prioritizing things you don’t want to do, why not prioritize your happiness and mental health. Have some fun.

The best way is to make it a point to have fun every day. Put it in your schedule if you need to. It is crucial to make the time because when we take the time to have fun, we can enjoy where we are more.

The best memories in life are worth the effort of letting loose and having fun. I have learned that fun is the best way to lift our spirits and make us happy.

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By Kimberly Rochelle

Kimberly Rochelle is the founder and CEO of Positively Kimberly. She loves spreading positivity and joy wherever needed but is also here as a spiritual development guide for those who may need her. She has written and published several books, including Sunflower and Confessions of a Self-Declared Princess, and has made it her life's purpose to enhance the lives of those she encounters, no matter how brief.