Creating a Sacred Space

sage smudge stick in bowl on marble shelf near buddha head
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Creating a sacred space in your home is a beautiful way to nurture your well-being, find peace, and invite positive energy into your life. Whether you’re looking to meditate, practice mindfulness, or simply unwind, having a dedicated space can make a significant difference. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a sacred space that resonates with you and supports your spiritual or personal growth journey.

Choosing the Right Location

Your sacred space should be in a location where you can find privacy and tranquility. Consider a spare room, a cozy corner of your favorite room, or even a peaceful spot in your garden. The key is to select a space where you feel comfortable and can easily disconnect from daily distractions.

Clearing the Energy

Before you set up your sacred space, it’s essential to clear the energy in the chosen area. You can do this through smudging with sage, incense, or simply by opening windows to let in fresh air. Cleansing the energy will make the space feel more inviting and pure.

Selecting Meaningful Items

What makes a space sacred is the intention you put into it. Select items that hold personal meaning to you. This could include crystals, statues, religious or spiritual symbols, or even artwork that resonates with you. These items should inspire and comfort you during your visits to your sacred space.

Creating Comfort

Ensure your sacred space is comfortable. Add cushions, blankets, or a comfortable chair if needed. You should be able to sit or lie down comfortably during your meditation or reflection. The more comfortable you are, the more you’ll want to spend time in your sacred space.

brown wooden table with candles and incense


Lighting is often overlooked, but it plays an important role in setting the mood. Consider using soft, warm lighting like candles or Himalayan salt lamps. Natural light is also wonderful if your space has access to it during the day. Experiment with different lighting sources to find what suits you best.

Sound and Music

Incorporating soothing sounds or music can enhance the atmosphere of your sacred space. Wind chimes, a small fountain, or gentle instrumental music can add to the tranquility. Make sure the sounds you choose are calming and help you focus.

Plants and Nature

Bringing a touch of nature into your sacred space can connect you to the earth’s energy. Consider placing potted plants or fresh flowers in your space. If you have an outdoor sacred space, spend time grounding yourself by connecting with the earth.

Personal Rituals

Establish personal rituals within your sacred space. It could be a daily meditation practice, journaling, or simply a few moments of quiet reflection. Consistency is key here. The more you practice your rituals in this space, the more it becomes a haven of positive energy and intention.

Maintenance and Respect

To keep the energy in your sacred space pure and positive, it’s essential to maintain it. Regularly dust and clean the area, replenish any items that hold special meaning, and continue to use the space for your chosen rituals.


Creating a sacred space is a beautiful way to enhance your well-being and spiritual or personal growth journey. Remember that your sacred space is a representation of your inner self, so choose items and practices that resonate with your heart and soul. As you spend time in this space, you’ll find it becomes a source of peace, inspiration, and positive energy in your life.

“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.”

Joseph Campbell

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By Kimberly Rochelle

Kimberly Rochelle is the founder and CEO of Positively Kimberly. She loves spreading positivity and joy wherever needed but is also here as a spiritual development guide for those who may need her. She has written and published several books, including Sunflower and Confessions of a Self-Declared Princess, and has made it her life's purpose to enhance the lives of those she encounters, no matter how brief.