Absorbing Energy from the Environment: Navigating the Ebb and Flow

photo of woman standing on wheat field
Photo by Yan Krukau on Pexels.com

Ever find yourself feeling wonderfully uplifted after a walk in the park or unexpectedly drained after spending time with a particular person? That’s the magic of absorbing energy from the environment. In this article, we’ll dive into this intriguing phenomenon, exploring how the energy around you can significantly impact your well-being. Buckle up, because we’re about to explore how you can harness the power of environmental energy to enhance your life.

Understanding Energy Absorption

So, how does this energy absorption thing work? Think of yourself as a sponge, soaking up the vibes around you. The energy you encounter every day—whether from people, places, or even the weather—can influence your mood, thoughts, and emotions. It’s like a subtle dance between you and your surroundings, and becoming aware of it can be a game-changer.

photo of woman wearing beige long sleeves

Positive Energy Sources

Feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, or the gentle sway of trees in the breeze? That’s nature’s positive energy giving you a big hug. Spending time in green spaces, by the ocean, or simply enjoying the fresh air can fill you with a sense of renewal. And don’t forget about the power of surrounding yourself with uplifting people who radiate positivity. Their energy can be infectious in the best way.

Negative Energy Sources

On the flip side, we’ve all encountered those situations or people that leave us feeling emotionally zapped. Maybe it’s a crowded, noisy environment or a conversation that drains your energy faster than a phone battery on low power mode. Identifying these energy vampires is key to maintaining your well-being.

Signs of Energy Absorption

Feeling a bit off but not sure why? Pay attention to your body and emotions. Are you suddenly feeling anxious or fatigued without apparent cause? Maybe you’ve absorbed some energy that doesn’t quite jive with your own. Your mood and behavior can be telling signs of the energy you’ve taken in.

Protecting Your Energy

You’ve got to protect your vibe, right? Setting healthy boundaries is like having an energy forcefield. Know when it’s time to step back from situations or people that drain you. And mindfulness and grounding techniques? They’re your secret weapons. Engage your senses, focus on your breath, and connect with the present moment to shield yourself from absorbing unwanted energy.

Releasing and Cleansing

Sometimes, you inadvertently accumulate energy that doesn’t serve you. It’s time for a cleanse. Whether through meditation, visualization, or even a physical activity like shaking out your body, releasing absorbed energy can bring you back to balance.

Nurturing Your Well-Being

After a day of navigating the energy currents, it’s time for some serious self-care. Engage in activities that rejuvenate your spirit—whether it’s reading, taking a soothing bath, or indulging in a hobby you love. And hey, why not infuse positivity into your surroundings? Decorate your space with items that bring you joy and surround yourself with colors that uplift your mood.

unrecognizable woman sitting on hill and looking at majestic mountains


So, there you have it—the fascinating world of absorbing energy from the environment. From positive vibes to energy drains, you’ve explored the ins and outs of this incredible phenomenon. Remember, you’re not just a passive bystander; you have the power to choose what energy you absorb and how you let it affect you. With mindfulness, self-care, and a dash of positivity, you’re well-equipped to ride the waves of energy and embrace the ebb and flow of life.

As a working mom, I know all too well how important it is to know that your children have a safe and healthy environment while away from home.

Mikie Sherrill

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By Kimberly Rochelle

Kimberly Rochelle is the founder and CEO of Positively Kimberly. She loves spreading positivity and joy wherever needed but is also here as a spiritual development guide for those who may need her. She has written and published several books, including Sunflower and Confessions of a Self-Declared Princess, and has made it her life's purpose to enhance the lives of those she encounters, no matter how brief.